On this very day
A girl was born,
With big eyes,
And light brown hair.
She is my best friend.
Today's her birthday
she turns twentry-two.
I'm so glad to have her
Here with me.
Through good and bad,
And tear stained eyes.
From thousands of miles
And terrible late nights.
From hiking trails
With amazing views,
To broken hearts,
And musical tunes.
Delirious with laughter,
Oh, what a sight.
Ocean beaches,
Picture pit stops,
Tailgate parties,
To broken down trucks.
That girl and I've been
Through so much.
When the world is dark
She lifts me up.
She is the best
I love her so much.
I'm so glad to have her
In my life.
Happy birthday
To my best friend.
written by Evelyn Creon