I peered beneath the surface
A view caught my gaze,
One of distant beauty
That none could ever gage.
It was powerful and priceless,
Full of deadly and living things;
Of animals and bees.
The creatures all seemed calm
And in perfect harmony.
Maybe never seen before
By a human like me.
Though I knew I shouldn't
I couldn't help myself,
So I touched the surface with my finger.
I had no fear and little doubt.
With an unbearable pain I drew it back
As I watched the ripple I created
poison everything.
The surface that I'd touched
The beauty that I'd seen
Slowly seemed to fade
And shrivel up and die.
My finger it got worse
And my tears didn't help.
My body began to shake uncontrollably.
I tried to grasp for something
But in vain there was nothing.
I fell to my knees in dreadful agony
And passed out from the pain.
When I awoke I could barely stand.
The sight I saw gave me no doubt
That I was the human
Who had snuffed life out.
Out of a world I had dared to touch.
Now all that could be seen
Was the death that lay about.
Not a remembrance of joy,
Of life or of beauty, only decaying bodies.
A sorrow did fill me
To think that I had brought
Such disaster too a peaceful lot.