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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Glenwood Canyon Colorado

Author's Note: Yesterday I had the opportunity to drive through Glenwood Canyon with my family. It was beautiful. the beauty of the canyon inspired me, and so I wrote a poem about my experience there.

The canyon walls towered high above us.

Beautiful rock formations lined it's walls.

The Colorado river's murky water lies below,

Seventy was the speed limit

A freeway both ways.

Twelve miles mostly of bridge we drove on,

Four tunnels passed we through.

Orange cones lined the center line,

Preventing you from driving in the left lane.

Electrical construction made one way traffic,

For both ways.

A train track was built

on the south side of the river.

if it is still in use,

I wouldn't know.

Rest stops were placed about every three miles,

Throughout the cannon.

They were small, clean, and green;

with ramps to the river.

Rafters floated down the river

through swells and rapids.

If you looked past the car windows,

You could watch the rafts toss too and for.

Glenwood canyon Colorado,

on the out skirts of Rocky mountains.

A quaint place for picture books,

Maybe in the children's isle.

written by Evelyn Creon

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