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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Scared and Unworthy

My head is yelling at me

About all the stupid things I've done.

It tells me I'm unworthy For anyone I love.

I feel the pain it brings me,

My lack of self-esteem, the And the fear it drives into my heart.

The idea that anyone could love me

After all the nasty things.

I build my walls up high

Trying to keep myself safe,

fear is the tool that drives me there;

While secrets are what makes my walls unsafe.

The fear of showing people myself.

The fear of opening up.

Its the fear that drives me under cover

Away from difficult situations.

My fear pushes people I care about away

Without me realizing until it's to late.

It brakes me up from inside out

And yet, still I build my walls high

Making the same mistakes

I should know by now not to make.

written by Evelyn Creon

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