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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

The Wolf's Untold Tale

The wolf is quiet as can be,

As it creeps over hills;

Who will his next victim be?

The wolf has no need for a pack,

So a loner he walks,

Far from wolves that attack.

His black gray coat shines by moonlight.

On his hunches he sits,

And howls to the moon at night.

His call's long and full of sorrows,

From telling his story,

To all those who follow.

The wolf has long been a legend

In this part of the hills;

Though none have ever seen him.

Of him all settlers are scared.

A monster he is titled;

Yes, one that all have feared.

Save one, who is his companion,

An independent boy

Left once in the cave of a wolf.

This boy's parents died near the den

Where a mother wolf dwelt.

Who took him as her own.

She brought him up as best she could.

Then left him with her pup

In front of a cabin old.

The cabin, quite a ways from town.

Belonged to a couple

Who never could have children.

The adopted the boy and pup;

And brought him up until

Their life on this earth was up.

Leaving everything they owned

To the now teenage boy.

Lives there still, but not alone.

Though the wolf always wanders at dusk,

You'll see him at the side

Of his boy when dawn comes back.

So it's been for many years,

Known to none till now.

The wolf that everyone fears.

written by Evelyn Creon

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