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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

What Happens when You Smile

written by Evelyn Creon

If you hate smiling, then you should not read this essay. Because I hope that when You finish reading this I Will have a smile on your face twenty-four seven. And by that time hopefully you will understand the meaning of a smile in the world.

What happens when you smile? May people have asked this question. There are hundreds of articles out there that have lots more information on this topic. I am going to be brief, and only cover fifteen of the most important details about smiling. All smiles fall under to categories of smiles. There is the real smile and the fake smile. I could go on and cover both types, but I am only going to cover the real smile today. When you smile how does it affect your health? Smiling is a big part of your health. People are surprised how much the uplifting of a smile will help improve your health. Here are the fifteen reasons to smile all day long, everyday:

1. When you smile, you are implementing forty different muscles in your face.

2. Smiles are contagious- Just like yawns are contagious. Around 50% of the

people smile back when you smile at them. This spreads health benefits

throughout those around you, and it comes back to you several times as well.

3. It lowers the heart rate- Smiling slows the heart and relaxes the body. This

lets heart beat without over working. People that smile all the time are a lot less likely to get heart diseases. It also lowers your blood pressure


4. Reduces stress- Stress is a Major problem in our societies today. Caused by work, emotions, people, and life. We all deal with it. Stress causes a myriad of health issues. Stress relief maybe as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day.

5. Better Moods- The endorphins do more than push stress to the curb. Feeling down? Push that frown off your face and replace it with a smile. Even if it’s not real at first, it will turn your entire day around. And It is super EASY to do.

6. Pain killer- Smiling and laughter have both been proven to lesson pain. They release endorphins that lift your mood, but also act like natural pain killers.

7. Productivity- Smiling has been verified to increase your productivity while performing tasks. If you need something to get you motivate turn your favorite music on. It works almost every time.

8. Makes you look younger- Have you heard that old wife’s tale; when you smile, it makes you look ten years younger? Well its true. A smile naturally lifts your face. Studies have proven that that smiling make people look younger, around three years. SO, you will have to smile more often to get that ten years’ younger look.

9. Longevity- The effects of a good smile extend past just the exterior good looks. People that smile more often live longer too. Around seven years longer according to one study. It releases stress, helps the heart, and much more to keep your body healthy for longer.

10. Boosts the immune system- Smiles help the bodies relax, letting the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders.

Other things not Directly related to health:

11. Encourages trust- Studies have shown that we are more trustful of others when they smile. Trust is an important part of social health when dealing with people. Some relations are actually built of smiling.

12. Produce empathy- When we’re embarrassed or caught doing something questionable, often our instinct is to smile. So, the next time you catch a

toddler in the cookie jar and they smile its instinct.

13. Avoiding regret- We smile to avoid feeling terrible for not smiling. We don’t want to hurt people’s feelings so we smile.

14. Builds attraction- Smiling makes people more attracted to you. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the way you look at it. If you are interested

in someone go ahead and crack a smile for them. Who knows what that smile could do.

15. Earn success- A person who smiles can appear confident, self-assured, and

on top of their work. Those who smile are more likely to earn more money though tips and raises than those who don’t smile.

Hopefully I’ve convinced you to smile more often. For those of you that hate smiles but

still read this, I feel really bad for you; because when you smile it makes the whole world

a lot brighter.


Seven benefits of smiling and laughing you didn’t know about

15 fascinating facts about smiling-pick the brain

11 surprising reasons you should smile every day-huffpost

15 of the best health benefits if smiling-sunwarrior

9 surprising reasons why you should smile- inspiyr

Does smiling really help you live longer? Rivertea blog

Senior health top 10 reasons why smiles help you live longer

Smiling extends your life span- underground health reporter

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