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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

The Fool Hearted Donkey

short story
written by Evelyn Creon

It's not very often that you see a donkey fall from the sky, but when it happened, it wasn't a surprise.

The road from Mount Andrket to Rueside was rough and dangerous. It wound through the mountain pass of Andrket and was only traveled in May through September; the rest of the year it was an avalanche death zone.

It was in one of those mid months, July, I think, that a donkey and his master were traveling home from the Rueside market. They had half a day’s walk, which was all down hill, until they would be home. When the donkey, who was getting impatient because he missed his stall, saw his home far below, excitement freely took over. He wildly started looking for the fastest course to take. He noticed the precipice and decided it was the perfect route. He made a violent jump for the precipice. The donkey didn't know how gravity works, but luckily his master knew and understood the unseen power of it. Before the donkey could jump, the master grabbed the donkey's tail and pulled back with all his might. The master cried, "What are you doing, trying to kill yourself?" The donkey struggled against his master's grip; he was insistent that he was going to jump. The master was frusterated with his fool-hearted donkey and grumbled as he let go of it, "Fine, have it your way and kill yourself in the process!" The donkey leaped off the mountainside with a sense of accomplishment.

When the master reached the mountain's base all that was left of the donkey was a pile of hide and bones. "That's what he gets." the master commented sadly when he saw the dreadful sight.

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