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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Crystal Heart

My heart fell from his hands hitting the ground shattering into a thousand pieces. "Nnnoooo," I cried, "

You dropped it! How could you do such a thing?" Tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn't hold them back as much as I wanted to.

A grin crossed his lips as he looked at me and said hardheartedly, "Your the one that gave it to me, and so you have me the permission to do what I wanted with it. I don't care about your heart so I broke it. "

The tears streamed faster down my cheeks than they had ever come before. "Does my heart mean nothing to you?"

" NO, nope, never have and never will. "

I looked up at him in disgust. His grin made me sick inside. I had trusted him with every part of me, and most importantly the memory of my parents.

I couldn't look at his awful heartless self any longer. I turned my gaze to the ground where the crystal heart lay in thousands of pieces. The sun shone down upon them showing me the memory after memory of my parents.

I collapsed to the ground collecting as many of the broken crystal pieces I could. Our of the corner of my eye I could see him look at me like I was some psycho. He left me there on the ground.

My hands began to bleed from the cuts the broken crystal was giving me. I didn't care though, I was going to try and collect every piece of the crystal heart I that could. The memory of my parents was more important to me than any boy. Even if it took me weeks to try and price the heart back together it was worth more than a boy that could coldly brake the only thing I loved.

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