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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Tears let Go

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

I could feel the tears begin to form behind my deep blue eyes. The ones I had been pushing back for so long. Tears that were built up by stress, and sleepless nights.

Shutting my eyes up tight, I tried to block the tears from coming. I knew I couldn't hold them back, not this time. "Not now, not yet, not here where everybody is watching." I muttered to myself. I scrunched up my face hoping it keep them from braking free. It was no use, they came anyways. They streamed down my cheeks, leaving a salty trail behind them. My face began to get hot, and turn a Rosie pink. Embarrassment wheeled up inside me. Then out of nowhere a sob broke loose. It came up from deep within my vocal folds. "Nooo!!!" My mind screamed, "This is only making things worse. We promised not to lose ourselves in front of everybody." I could feel my cheeks become redder.

No tears were supposed to be shed today. I had promised, but here I was shedding them. "What would people think of me? Would they even notice? Why does this always happen to me?" The questions were spinning around in my head, making me dizzy. Then it happened one person after another looked at me. Fear gripped every part of my body. They all started to walk towards me. I couldn't move, or was so scared. I felt like I needed a safe quite place from all the people, but there was no place to hide. Not tonight.

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