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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Alice in Wonderland Writing Prompt

Writing prompt: Retell in your words the first paragraph in chapter one, in "Alice in Wonderland" written by Lewis Carroll.

Below is my retelling.

Alice put her slobbery finger into her sister's ear. "Alice! Gross! What did you do that for?" Her sister exclaimed cross-fully, as she dropped her book and stood up quickly. Alice shrugged delightfully, "I'm bored of sittin' here while you read, doin' nothin'." Her sister, who gave her a murderous stare, picked up her book and sat back down violently. "Don't do that again or you'll get somethin' worse than a wet-willy." Alice smirked because her sister's threat was an empty one. While Alice sat pondering whether or not to give her sister another wet-willy, a white rabbit sped past her. Shocked at the sight of the rabbit and burning with curiosity she hastened after it. "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" the rabbit who continued to run pulled a watch from his coat pocket. "What a curious sight," noted Alice to herself. The Frantically late rabbit disappeared under a large blueberry bush. When Alice got closer to the bush she noticed a whole beneath it. Without any speculation down she went.

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