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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Prompt #2

Author's Note: You get to decide the sex of the character, and the setting that the character is in.

Prompt #2

Why am I hear, what is the point? What could they possibly want with me? These questions played over and over in my head. And no one could give me the answers I wanted. I have searched for them but they never have appeared, and probably never will. So here I am stuck with nothing. Not one thing to give a clue. Let alone figure out if my family is okay.

Do you know how it feels to be taken away? Ripped away from your family, and nothing you say or do will change that? I know how it feels, and deep down inside I have some how always known. That misery that leaves in your gut and the guilty feeling that you could have done something. When really there was nothing anyone could do.

My brain ran wild with these types of thoughts. I had nothing better to do, or so I thought. I should not have been sulking and feeling sorry for all that had happened. Instead in should have been finding a solution. But I was a teenager at the period of time, and I didn't know how to act like an adult. Everyone never had high expectations for me, or believed that I would ever succeed at anything.

I was insecure, and had no motivation to help me in the situation. So why should have I paid much attention to how easy I could have made the situation better. I was looking for the hardest ways I could get out of this prison, not the most logical or reasonable.

That was the problem in my life. I wanted people to look at me And say " I wish my kid acted like that."

But nobody paid any attention to me. All those high expectations And motivation my older siblings got skipped right past me. I was craving those high expectations along with motivation when I turned thirteen, but I never got any.

I feel like I was a failure. My parents acted like I was not worth there time. Or at least that's how took there actions. Always to busy for me because they were busy with the younger children.

By the time I was sixteen I had given up all hope. My three older siblings were off on their own succeeding in everything they did, and full of confidence; so much so that they were ready to take on the whole world. While insatiable at home, shy, afraid, and lacking confidence. And there was nothing to grasp or help me to succeed. I was left in the dust while my siblings ran off and my parents were busy. I felt lost.

That is why I spent all those days and hours stuck in a cell. Instead of opening up my eyes and realizing what was happening in front of me.

Maybe if I had opened up my eyes a few days after my captivity I would have been able to have used more of the opportunities that my captors gave me. But maybe not. All that I know is that I became much more stronger in the day's after I opened my eyes to what I could really do.

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