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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Creon

Prompt #3

he dark damp prison cell began to shake with much momentum. Rocks started falling from the walls and ceiling, along with showers of dirt and grime.

At first I thought there had been some type of bomb set off near by, but the guards of the prison kept us prisoners up to date on any of the latest news. The last thing the guard had said to me last night when he brought my grub was "we'll not be at war for 'long long time. The ol' King has made friend' with all the kingdoms near by."

Then I realized that it could have been an earthquake. No though, that didn't sound right either. Earthquakes had been dormant for thousands of years.

The cell began to shake more valiantly. So much so that it sent me sprawling on the dirt floor. I huddled there on the floor in a ball protecting my head from any debris that might fall. If there had been a hole I would have his in it, and if I could have hugged the ground I would not think twice.

The sound of metal rattling off in the distance made me even more frantic. I shivered with fear.

My gut was telling me that what ever was going on outside of my cell was not good. There was trouble and I didn't want anything to do with it.

In all my years of being in prison I had never been this frantic of what could happen. I had been through some pretty rough times, but nothing could have prepared me for what would happen once I left those cell walls.

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